Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

Next week on Thursday the 25th of May our team will be holding an in-house event for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.
“1 in 2 Australians are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85. We want to change that, and we need your help.”
“Your morning tea and the important funds you raise will help bring us closer to a cancer free future. Find out more about how your fundraising helps.”
Our team will be bringing in a plate of morning tea to share with each other and will be raising funds to go towards this important awareness.
We encourage others to get involved in their workplaces or donate at :–_imjD29BRMB3r88mIY2LGdMdQ7ZViDs&h=AT0W2kwOgVFheXNFq0rOd3CT3NTHRkEjQeHR1_8a9053c95roUlKbdlj7JsZ_bLyE3Qf2Gy3RzVQrleUeMOW2VcNahz0viKmqq7tf9XUNV-pGMQrS6aR0kMxbElfs8e_1yQI&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2rBzaVG3DCXDUSI6HHcRl-qqzX628KlR-RaPc9RklXcxCQsSWoK3GogisRTa9qS0VRPmCJ_3OnEG1VR_JjkVuyv2WiLF7ytYlQwQtychml2GiiKCiN3Qd46j_pU_A5-roYoLDW1hwc2K8ro41u3DzsyAmsVQ