Patient information Greenmeadows Port Macquarie

Information for Patients

Hours: Monday to Friday – 7:30 am to 6:00 pm; Saturday – 8:00 am to 1:00 pm; Sunday – Closed.

Make an appointment

When you arrive, Reception will take you through our process for new patients. Feel free to ask for information on anything you are unsure about. We can also give you pamphlets on various medical conditions.

Telephone calls to doctors about urgent matters will be returned if you leave your number and a short message with reception staff. Doctors are often with patients and may be unable to take your call immediately.

Generally, we do not take walk in appointments.

While You Wait

Sit in state of the art seating in our bright, modern waiting room – disability seating and wheelchair space is provided. We also provide additional seating in the front foyer and at the side entrance of our Practice for your convenience.

Use free WiFi. The password is available from the reception team.

Watch TV or our interactive screen to find out more about our centre.

Make use of our facilities for parents with babies located in the accessible toilet.

In the Consulting Room

Our doctors are dedicated to providing quality, professional medical consultations.

If you have tests results that require you to return, you will be contacted to make a follow-up appointment.


Children 17 years old or less, DVA gold card holders and all patients 83 years or older: No Consultation Fee.

Concession card holders 18 to 74 years old: $85.00 Annual Practice Fee – payable each year.

For patients 75 to 82 years: $45.00 Annual Practice Fee – payable each year.

For patients 18 to 74 years without a concession card: $40.00 Medicare Gap Fee for each consultation.

After Hours Services for urgent medical problems – contact 02 5525 1111 

Weekdays: 6:00 pm – 7:30 am; Saturday: 1:00 pm – Monday 7:30 am.  The fee to be seen after hours is $220 and is not bulk billed. Greenmeadows doctors participate in a roster.

Home Visits

If you are too ill to come to the surgery a home visit can be arranged if you live in the Port Macquarie area.

Cultural Matters

We are proud to aid indigenous health and ask you to provide us with information that will assist with planning and provision of appropriate healthcare. Please tell us if you would like culture and ethnicity details recorded on your patient file.

Interpreter Service

Our GPs and Practice staff rely on a patient’s English speaking family members or friends. If not available or not appropriate, an interpreter service can be arranged by phoning 1300 131 450.

Privacy Policy/Communication Policy/Telephone Calls

This practice follows the RACGP Code of Practice for the management of health information in medical practices. Our practice is committed to maintain the confidentiality of your personal health information. For more details ask reception staff for a copy of our brochure personal information, privacy and your doctor. 

Patients are able to obtain advice or information related to their care by electronic means including email, SMS and fax. All significant electronic contact with patients is recorded in the patient health record along with the patient’s acknowledgment of the means of sending being unsecure. Communication with patients via electronic means is conducted with appropriate regard to the Privacy Laws relating to health information and confidentiality of the patient’s health information. We aim to respond to correspondence within 1 working day.

Telephone calls for the doctors will be taken as a message that will include the best contact numbers for that doctor to return the call at their earliest convenience. To ensure privacy compliance and confidentiality of medical information, test results and other information are not given out to callers.


Patient Feedback

We invite patients to let us know their views of our practice and how it could be improved. We are also keen to be told about problems as soon as possible so they can be corrected promptly.

In NSW anyone may register a complaint with the Health Care Complaints Commission. Locked Mail Bag 18, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012. Toll free number: 1800 043 159.

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Contact us

Phone Reception: (02) 5525 1111

Fax (02) 5525 1112

152 Greenmeadows Drive
Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Open: Monday – Friday
7:30 am – 6:00pm
Saturday 8:00 – 1:00pm
Sunday & Public Holidays – Closed




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